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Exalted Funeral is out of physical. Is there a planned new print run with updates?

Also interested!


Yes - I'm waiting on the proofs from DriveThru, Amazon, and Lulu to approve!

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Greetings adventurers! Evils of Illmire has been updated for 2025! Check it out!

If you purchased through Exalted Funeral, I am working on updating files with them for distribution. Feel free to jump on the discord and contact me if you'd like an Itch copy instead. Discord Link!

Looking forward to seeing the updates! The Discord link isn't working for me, though.

Thanks Jade! Not sure why the link isn't working for you - it's working for me. Let me know if it's still not working for anybody out there!

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Ran this back in 2020/21 as a 2-player campaign for 20 sessions and we only got through about one third of the content. Easy recommendation for anyone looking for an imaginitive oldschool campaign with lots of cool stuff in it. 


Simply one of the best D&D campaigns I've ever read.


Hi is the print version sold on Exalted Funeral the latest version (I believe that is 4) with the under dark piece?


I have a quick question: there is this one entry in the errata that says "Page 69: Added description for Faerie Scroll." But there are only monster statblocks on that page, and the Faerie Scroll has no description anywhere in the text. There is only one occurrence of the word "Faerie". An I missing something or is it actually absent?

This has been fixed!


This product is so impressive! Comes with TONS of maps, pregen characters, handouts. Definitely lives up to being a "mini-mega" hexcrawl!